Benefits Presenting Partner $200,000 Co-Presenting Partner $100,000 Champion Partner $50,000 Ambassador Partner $25,000 Advocate Partner $10,000 Ally Partner $5,000
AAPD National Virtual Community Event (NCE) - April 30, 2025
Opportunity to have a representative speak via pre-recorded video at NCE and to “present” a segment of the program ● (1-2 minutes)
Dedicated logo inclusion slide leading up to your NCE segment
Verbal recognition on the night of NCE from AAPD’s Board Chair and AAPD’s President & CEO
Premium Logo inclusion on NCE invitation and marketing materials
Premium Logo inclusion on NCE webpage Logo inclusion Logo inclusion Logo inclusion Logo inclusion
Premium Logo inclusion throughout the NCE evening Logo inclusion Logo inclusion Logo inclusion Logo inclusion
Dedicated and customized thank you social media post from AAPD on the night of NCE Logo inclusion Logo inclusion Logo inclusion Logo inclusion
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) 35th Anniversary Celebration - July in Washington, DC
Tickets to the ADA Celebration 20 Tickets 16 Tickets 10 Tickets 8 Tickets 6 Tickets 4 Tickets
Verbal recognition from the stage from AAPD’s President & CEO
AAPD 30th Anniversary Gala and Awards Celebration - October in Washington, DC
Tables at Gala 2 Premium tables (16 guests) + Verbal recognition 2 Premium tables (16 guests) + Verbal recognition 2 tables (16 guests) + Verbal recognition 1 Premium table (8 guests)
Logo inclusion throughout the Anniversary Gala Premium Logo inclusion Premium Logo inclusion Logo inclusion Logo inclusion
Membership in Disability Advisory Roundtable + Partnership Engagement
Access to all gatherings for the Roundtable in 2025 Access to all gatherings + Logo inclusion + Opportunity to host 1 meeting Access to all gatherings + Logo inclusion + Follow-up meeting opportunity Access to all gatherings + Logo inclusion Access to all gatherings + Logo inclusion Access to all gatherings + Logo inclusion Access to all gatherings + Logo inclusion